Monday, October 03, 2005

ifg, versus business....

fucked up day,
fucked up night,
fucked up school,
fucked up life....

everything is so fucked up today except for this fucked up post
fucked up game

fucked up ray who fucked up his shots and getting fucked up 'travelling' call
FUCK RAY! u play bball for how long already? still travel?!?! WTF!!!! u sux ray!
but its okay, this post is going to remind u of the fucked up feeling that u are feeling now.

remember what happen when the referee call for the travelling foul on u?
remember what happen when u dribble in on a fast break and let go of a poor shot when u can just take it outside?
remember how u got so worried that its going to be a barren game that u took that 3point without going through ur fucking head?

remember, it doesnt matter how many 3on3 or 4on4 games that u play, its the 5on5 thats counted. SO U BETTER SORT UR FUCKING MIND UP! fucked up ray!

fuck u!

so what if engin beat business? who gives a shit about the game, u played like shit. u are a disgrace to urself. still want to join what IVP. go fuck urself lah. stop wasting time in bball cause u are a short ass and u cant play! no matter how long u practice or how many shots u make while practicing, its the shots made in the game that counts....

thats all for now u lousy piece of shit.... fuck off and do some studying....


Blogger Ah ming said...

u were playing just now?
i walk pass the basket ball court at 2000 and 2055..
i went to do a few pulls up at the other bar..

if i know u were there.. i go support u..

12:09 AM  
Blogger ray said...

haha, lucky u never come. or else u will see how fucked up i am. heeheehee!!!! thanks for teaching me on how to put the music dude!

8:45 PM  
Blogger WaN'eR said...

very cathartic right?
feeling much better?

anyway i still think you played very well. not everything is about scoring goals.


and i have music on my site too! naninanibubu!

9:23 PM  
Blogger ray said...

hey! how come u have music too?!?! i didnt teach u yet!

9:54 PM  

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