Friday, September 01, 2006


it feels like its only yesterday
that i first had my lecture in lt7a
raji, jack and sheila... friends that i sat with through all my lectures in year 1 now has gone our own separate ways
feels like its only yesterday
that my gf was only jc1 in AJ
now she is stepping into the society eariler than you mr ray
hey hey hey, stop wasting ur time thinking of words that rhyme with hay
or else those notes and tutorials are gonna make u pay
i think i should stop playing now before its the end of the day
and do some work while i becoming fei2

hey, my english not bad wah, dont they?



Blogger Raji said...

hey! that Ray Hay was started by me ok?! copyright!!!

Indeed it really feels like yesterday when we first met. I remember meetin u thru Jack in LT7a during Physics lect. I forgot to bring my book and was sharing it with u!! Your gf was also thr! Woa.. our friendship lasted so long ah? Cant believe it has been 3 years since those times..

I also wont forget those times when me and shiela used to scribble on ur maths notes while u slept..haha..and all our "surprise" birthday celebrations..

Kudos to our friendship! Hope it lasts longer and forever! :)


4:01 PM  
Blogger Sheila said...

haha.... those were good times... i ran into jack recently by the way :)

ya i miss the birthday parties! we should do a 'reunion' ktv session at ray's place.

slumber party would be fun. *Grin*

2:21 AM  
Blogger Raji said...

shiela.. are u really talking about the ktv sessions where we both sang..hmm..sorry.. shouted in the mike? I hope his roof doesnt collapse this time..

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya, time flies. It is a sad fact. So treasure all ur frens when u can. When we all work, the meet up times will be even lower. I guess the next time for all of us to meet up will be during the dec holidays!!!


2:18 AM  

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