Saturday, October 08, 2005

basketball and me....

many many years ago, there is a kid and his brother. his brother saw that he is growing up to be a fat ass since the kid doesnt play any sports then. so he dragged him fatty ass to the community centre, serangoon garden community centre to be exact, to play bball. they walked, the kid was bouncing this orange ball that looks and smell pretty weird. arrived. after showing how to shoot underneath the basket, the brother left the kid and when to play some pick up game on the other side of the court. the kid, for the first time in his entire life was left with the ball, the board, the rim and the court. keep shooting he did. and he little did he know that he will be shooting for another 12 years.

Michael Jordan launching from the free throw line

later the kid went to join his sec sch team, won a few medals. then JC team, won one medal i think. played for his beloved community centre, didnt win anything, heeheehee! joined a few 3 on 3 competition and got first for the most recent one. heeheehee! fluke lah! actually the opponents were lousy.

Another photo of MJ soaring through the air

throughout his whole entire live, he was inseparable from basketball. he sweated, cried, bleed, broke 2 bones, went for operation, took all the punishing and pain just for basketball. why? because basketball has given him alot more. the court is his refuge, his hiding place, place that he goes to think and relax. On the court he feels at ease and at peace. the tall rim teaches him to reach up high, constantly reminding him to look up, not down. in pri sch, he tries to touch the board. in sec sch, he tries to touch the rim. in JC he tries to pull the rim. all these jumping and reaching changed his genes i believe. in his family, he is the tallest, standing at 176 when the next didnt even reach 170. the ball teaches that no matter how hard it was being hit, it always bounces back and the harder u hit it, it will bounces back even harder. its all about bouncing back. the sound of the ball dropping through the net "Swoosh" gives him satisfaction. satisfaction that he couldnt find in his studies. from the game, he learn that different persons have different strength and weakness, and learn how that in every organisation, its about maximising the person's strength. he learn thats its a team game, every player has its own job, though some may not be glamours or appreciated, but indirectly it helped the team. thus making him recognise that every single person in an organisation, from corporal to seageant, is important. he also learn that encouragement is a better tool that criticim. most importantly, through the game, it cultivated his fighting spirit and competitiveness. without basketball, all these he wouldnt realise. heeheehee.... kidding!

"No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings." - William Blake

now at the age of 23, the boy realise that his dreams of playing in the NBA and his dream of dunking the ball will probably never be fulfilled. so.... i guess thats it for now my good friend. i shall visit u less often as my body is getting old and are more prone to injuries.... heeheehee.... dont worry, every friday, saturday and sunday i will still visit ya. no worries!


Blogger WaN'eR said...

what a moving post.

i'm envious. i wish i too, could find something to make me so happy.

12:20 AM  

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