Friday, January 13, 2006

Tissot T-Touch

i simply love this watch. where function meets style. analogue meets digital. best of both worlds. plenty of cool functions like....


so that u will not be lost anywhere in the world or NUS. u can make mental notes like "LT1 is northeast east of LT2" or "travel in the south direction from engin canteen to reach LT6". or maybe u can use it to arrange ur bed in such a way to escape the morning sun, thus allowing u to stay in bed longer, before the sun cooks u under ur blanket. remember, the sun rises from the north and sets in the east.


u know some morning when ur alarm clock rings, then u activate the snooze function and goes back to sleep. in ur head u know that the alarm clock will ring every 9 mins (maybe urs different) to remind u to wake up, but because the previous night, u spend the whole night surfing on cars, u lost count of how snoozes u deactivate liao, and u dont really want to open ur eyes to check the time cause any sunlight will just blind ur eyes forever. dont worry, this watch will act as a secondary alarm for u. telling u exactly when is the point of no return - either to continue sleeping and miss lectures and can safely switches all alarm now or to jump out of bed and rush off for lectures.


u know i love bball. this way i can measure accurately how high my vertical jump is, boasting to people "i jumped 30 inch last week and i'm doing 60 inch this week, beat that asshole! oh? u dont believe, come, i measure on the spot let u see." or u know sometimes, 2 childish friends of urs asked u the old primary sch qns "hey, who is taller huh?" then i can take out my watch and rest it on their head, thus giving me a digital readout of who is taller. oh ya, u know sometimes when ur date is so boring and she is like talking about her studies or how cute her nieces are, then u are going "uhuh, uhuh, oh really? no way. serious!?" this is the time u can divert ur attention by using ur tissot t-touch's altimeter function to measure the rise time of all the escalators and lifts in orchard and compare which is the fastest in town. simply divide the change in altitude by the time taken to reach that altitude. when u find which is the fastest, then u can write down in ur blog or some forums so that others with the same watch could verify it.

next is the chrono

i'm sure some of the scholars in NUS will find this function very useful during exams. "sure or not? u did it in 1 hour. tell u hoh. i finished my paper in 48 mins 32 secs and 8 milliseconds okay? fast right? i think this paper i finish faster than u lah. last one u faster by 3 min 43 sec and 4 milliseconds, but this one i beat u already. luckily i got my watch here to time myself." or some other nerds will measure the time needed to travel from location to the other location. "hm, last week i took the shuttle bus from the EA to central library and it took me 10 mins altogether. this week, i walked from EA to central library, cutting through E1 and E2 and it took me only 6 mins, that is if i walk at a speed of 1.69696969 metre/second. hm, like that it saves me a whole 4 minutes. that extra 4 minutes i can either read 1.434343 pages of my lecture notes or do 0.878787 of a qns in a tutorial. okay, next time i will take this route."

thermometer is useful for the girls

"haiyo, this LT2 is so cold leh. i think its colder than just now that LT6 leh." "no lah, LT6 where got cold. LT2 colder okay?" "u dont believe u see (show friend her watch) my watch says that this LT colder by 3 degrees okay. and current temperature is 20 degree celcius" "wah, really leh. so cold. not good for skin u know."

lastly metro

whats metro i also dont know. think its something to do with the air pressure. maybe a bunch of guys got together and drank too much and are all getting abit drunk. then they decide to compare who has the most power fart among them (because everyone drinking beer, so alot of gas in their stomach). what better way to measure than to place the watch near their ass and let out a huge fart and record the amount of air pressure it creates. automatic disqualification if shit is found on the face of the watch.

WOW! so many functions for this watch. i just got to have it! which design is nicer? huh? huh? huh?


Blogger WaN'eR said...

i miss my phone and i have a headache. =(

10:43 PM  
Blogger ray said...

read the entry again. feel so lame. why am i so lame? lame lame lame lame....

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in my personal order of preference:
compass alarm

i think the white face seems to suit the design of the watch better, esp with the silver bracelet. also, i think the black straps seem alot more stylish than the orange one. i put the metro first because its chic, versatile for play and work, but its striking so one needs to be able to carry it of well.

lastly, it wasnt tt lame a post really. ;)

jsut my 2 cents worth

11:56 PM  
Blogger ray said...

to dear anonymous, u just brightened up my day! thank u thank u thank u. i think there is some misunderstanding. all the watches have all 6 functions, cool right?!?!?! i'm thinking of getting the second one from the top because, if u notice, it has 'degrees' engraved around the bezel (i think thats what its call) while others do not. it gives a more sporty look i feel.

3:35 AM  

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