Tuesday, March 28, 2006

my behaviour...

dam disgusted by myself today. had my human resource module in the morning. we had this little role playing activity thats done in this behaviour room at the biz fac. behaviour rm = those interrogation room that u see in cop and thieves movie. u know, those that have this big ass one way glass that allows one side to see through equipped with cameras. okay. at the end of the class, we saw a shot video tape of ourselves and i'm quite disgusted by myself. things like i the way i sit, the number of times i try to tidy my hair (haven cut since start of sem), and most importantly, the way i speak. my voice doesnt sound like how i think it should sound. its annoying and kiddy. i also tend to be very assertive. if i'm my group mates, i will be dam annoyed by myself lah! this guy who thinks he's what ah? well anyway, shall try to be gentler and kinder and stop tidying my hair. maybe its a sign for gettin a hair cut. got a chance, maybe u should try having one of these activities in this room.

anyway, its coming to the end of the semester. and i feel that i'm losing steam. no good no good. this is what killed me last sem. hai... hope i can get back on track again.

got duaed. my friend, its not that i dont want to meet u. but its like i always get duaed by u. dont dua me next time kay? it screws up my already screwed up timetable.

picture to brighten up this dark blog...
a honda S2000. cool eh. convertible with 2.0l vtec engine (going to be 2.2l soon) that revs up to 9000rpm. around 240 bhp. why i like this? because its rare. not like the wrx's or sti's or evo's. they are all nice cars, but this is a rare beauty. i think i've seen ferrari more than this.

lastly, to my friend who only gets 30 dollars a month during her JC "are u going to teach me ur secrets to success?" =)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

30 dollars a month

i just read my friend's blog. i found out that she gets only 30 dollars a month during her JC. and she has to beg for 50cents from her friends inorder to buy a donut which will sustain her till she gets home. now, she is earning $2500 from giving tuition and totally independent and definitely doing dam well in sch. and when i say dam well, I MEAN CAP 5 KIND OF RESULTS. sometimes i wish that my parents are not so well off. i wish that during my younger days, my parents will throw me into such situation. this might sound crazy but its true...
if u think that i'm talking cock, then i got nothing to say and the owner of this blog doesnt welcome u.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

dinner at home...

tell u seriously, i am starting to hate eating dinner at home... i fucking hate them...
so pissed off. from now on, i'm only going to have dinner on sunday. every other day i will just be busy.

Monday, March 20, 2006

final destination...

almost had an accident while driving home from school just now. it was drizzling and i was waiting at a traffic junction. immediately after the junction was a left turn. without warning, my rear end skidded right. almost instinctively, using my initial D skills, i perform a counter steer (for all those n00bs, it means steering against the direction of travel) with almost perfection. too bad its not perfect, thus the counter reaction was too strong, bringing my rear end swinging a full 270 degrees clock wise. alas, a poor drift. the lady driving the copper red mercs was stupefied. looks as if its her first time watching a drift king performing. wat a n00b... anyway, i gave her a smile and a little wave, assuring her that it was intended, and carried on with the boring journey home.
luckily for me, i found out that my gf wasnt a n00b. during the drift, she didnt even scream until after, she was excited and begged for more.
anyway, think i'm going to change tires this weekend for sure. my right rear tires was leaking, causing the tire tread to wear out. either that, maybe a 4wd car with a traction control will probably help. hm... that sounds like EVO to me. heh heh heh...
here is a picture of an EVO9 for all those n00bs out there...

anyway i was just lucky today. for all those drivers out there. drive really slowly when the road is wet, cause u'll never know when such accidents might happen to u. luckily for me there was no incoming traffic, or else i dont know what will happen.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


hai... life is like a box of chocolate, u never know what u gonna get. how come all my chocolate spoilt one? *sigh*