Sunday, October 23, 2005

its time....

yes its time. its that time of the year again. time to hit the books again. here i am. outside lt6 on a sunday night. my room is just not a studying place. i study better when i am in school. when i'm surrounded by all the chao muggers whom i hated to much. fuck the bell curve! i hate the curve. making my life so difficult. studying is suppose to be an enjoyable thing, but because of that. its like pointing a gun to my head. BANG! u are dead!
sunday night, not that surprise to see people studying around the campus. cant even find a place to study. everything bench that has power point at the forum is like taken. fuck. even the bench near the engin bridge is taken. fuck fuck. fuck. something stinks. sour. 1054 now. by 1100 i have to get started. its gonna be another long week for me. plenty of deadlines to meet. fuck. everything is just not right recently. fuck knows why. feels like shit all the time. nothing seems to be going my way. i guess this is life. lift u high then let u drop. why haven i felt being lifted for a long time?
if u not gonna make tings better. at least dont make it worse.
ccb. this fucker playing his music so loud. some kind of michael buble type of music. piano and trumpet and all. screw him. being considerate is something that people lack of these days. fuck him. 1058. 2 mins of freedom left. argh! last taste of freedom.... FREEDOM!!!! haven felt that for a long time too. maybe she is right. i am wrapped up in a cling wrap.... haven felt alive. the only time i feel alive is during sunday bball session i guess....


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