Thursday, May 11, 2006

another hair cut

today knock off at 6 sharp. thus got time to get another hair cut. this time went to a neighbourhood hair saloon in serangoon central. and i must say, i'm very satisfy with it and it only costs 8 bucks! here look...
is it so difficult? here is another pic...
anyway, if anyone staying at serangoon central. the shop is called sissors... or somethings like that... if u are facing the POSB bank, turn left and walk, the shop is on ur left... anyway, they all wear black, so u cant miss them... 8 bucks only! dont go to orchard for some lousy "hair stylist" who cant cut simple hair style for nuts, esp when they charge 30 bucks and gives u crap. i got this feeling that if u ask some professional "hairstylist" to cut something that is not fanciful, they might be offended cause u know. maybe they feel that their "TALENT" is not suppose to be wasted on such simple hair style. what i think, if u cant even cut simple hair style, u cant cut for nuts... so 1 for neighbourhood barber shop and 0 for orchard hair saloon who charge u a bomb and pours u water and wash ur hair but cut like shit and expect u to pay 30 bucks...


Blogger Sheila said...

about the pride issue:

every semester just before exams, i set aside a few days to consult with profs. Every single semester. i ALWAYS go for consultation, cuz I know it'll help my grade.

There's nothing shameful about getting help before exams etc. There's only shame in getting bad grades!!!

I can't comment on the election issue - afraid they'll throw me out of spore or something. haha.. though i have to say i'm sorely tempted to add in my 2 cent's worth.

1:28 AM  
Blogger Yve said...

hey hey! hopefully u see this msg soon. do u have minli's no? i need it quite urgently... if can, sms me her no k? my no's 96301640. thanks!

12:46 PM  

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