Wednesday, May 10, 2006


its been sometime before i wrote anything here. well, i was kinda busy, with exams and projects. lets see where shall i start. okay, i have exams, the election, my intern, ERP and... and... eh... whatever, maybe it will come back later.
exams. okay. well, incase u dont study in NUS, its over. yeah! and i must say that once again, i dont think i am going to do that well. because... well, i guess there is no one else to blame except for myself. oh ya, i suddenly remembered. for those who know me well, u would know that i'm sorta very competitive in nature and at the same time, i dont like to ask people for help. ya, i dont like to ask, even when i'm desperate. i would rather hand in something that is half done and get a C than ask someone for help which could easily have solved all my problems. but Noooo, i am so thick skin when it comes to this. it makes me feel that i'm very stupid. my mentality is "if he can do it, so can i."well, what has this got to do with exams. well, firstly i want to do well because i'm competitive and i want to prove to myself that i can do it, but on the other hand, i refuse to ask for help. die die i will not ask for help. see. so what happens in the end, i force and push myself until i get all stressed up and almost into a break down. yes, i thought i'm ironman, man of steel, never have i thought that i will break down, but luckily i didnt. things that dont kill u will only make u stronger. how did i find out about this? through the very treacherous ee3208 module. its called embedded computer systems design. dont ever take that module. no matter what, esp if we share the same character. i shall not go into details cause the experience will always be in my head from now on.
next, oh yes. the general elections. i voted for WP because firstly, i believe that the government needs to be balanced and not dominated by just one party. secondly, i voted for WP because they suggests that the amount of salary to be paid to the ministers should be a multiplier of the average pay for singaporeans. which means, if on the average the people are getting paid lesser, then the minister should also be paid lesser. u know, something along that line. my england not good. thirdly, i voted for WP because i feel that during the whole election campaign, pap was just attacking GOMEZ when actually i feel that its just a small matter. an honest mistakes. psp should focus on more the different plans for singapore for the future. stop putting the gomez issue on every god dam front page of the straits time. oh ya, that brings me to the next reason as to why i didnt vote for pap. cause they playing a stinky game. ban all podcast and internet webpages concerning the election. i mean what?!?! then what does the opposition use to reach out to others? the straits times? come on, every tom dick and harry knoes that the government controls the main media in singapore. even the taxi driver knoes that. heh heh heh, luckily i still have this little space in which i can say whatever i want. lastly, i think its very inappropriate that one of our ministers in the pap uses the phrase FIX THE OPPOSITION and use MONEY TO BUY VOTES. i mean come on. if u are so smart, cant u chose ur words carefully? of course unless thats what u have in ur mind, to FIX and BUY VOTES. hai... i hereby declare that i will use my progressive package to buy one bottle of martell at zouk this coming friday. me and my friends will all get drunk and i will turn the Progressive Package into PISS in which i will PEE at the entrance of zouk. hai... got to wait for another 5 years to vote again.
next stop. my intern. doing my intern at quantum automation. their website is heeheehee. well, what the company does is to install all sorts of system. aircon system. carpark system. lighting system. security system. blah blah blah... u know, anyway everyday, i will go to singapore labour foundation building and connect wires. tones and tones of wires. why? cause they are upgrading their old system into new system. yupz... so incase u dont know where the fuck is ray. or what the fuck is ray doing? (like u even care. HA!) i've been busy with that. start work at 9am and ends at 6pm, but so far i've been ending 7pm earliest. today i knock off at 845pm. beat that! and i've been taking public transport to and from work. pretty dam proud of myself. well, u might think that whats so great about that? well? i dont care what u think.
next stop. ERP. well, since sometimes i am a road user. i notice something vert funny. why does it always jam just before the ERP. i mean why is there always a jam just before an ERP gantry and the traffic seems smoother after the gantry. dont believe. drive the CTE towards town at around 830am. then u will know what i mean. firstly, u will slow down due to heavy traffic. then once u pass the gantry, everyone seems to be dirving faster. and u find urself start to pick up speed. hm... aint the ERP suppose to curb traffic congestion? then why is there still a jam and why is there a jam only before the ERP. its as though the drivers are saying "well, since i'm gonna pay for it, might as well use it alittle bit longer." or maybe "hm, maybe if i slow down a little, i might just pass the gantry after the ERP hours." well, what can i say, SPEED UP ASSHOLES. THE GOVERNMENT IS GONNA SQUEEZE U EITHER WAY. every morning, there is always a fix number of vehicles that need to travel from north to south. if u install an ERP gantry at CTE, it does not solve the fucking problem because other roads are going to jam because those previously using the CTE will now divert to driving local. anyway, ERP, like the COE, like the GST, like the increase in price of cigarettes like now i have to renew my passport every five years instead of ten and every renewal i have to pay 50 bucks, its just typical government policy. so much so for all the scholars in the government. i wonder how come there aint anyone in the government that can see this? oh ya, cause they are all the same.
lastly, how come there aint any barber or hair stylist that can cut my hair according to what i have in mind? am i speaking a different language? or am i just not artistic enough to be communicating at their level. i just want this...

is it so hard? i told this guy that i want those little boy hairstyle. i want it short and i dont want a hairdo that need wax of gel. just plain normal hair. and he gave me a fucking ugly hair cut that cost $30. dam!

anyway, enough of talking nonsense. going to sleep now. tomorrow is a brand new day for me... hm...


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